Fire and Rescue NSW responds to blaze and major gas leak in row of shops - Newport

Published: 27 Dec 2022 02:23pm

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is at the scene of a fire and major gas leak in a shopping complex in Newport, on Sydney's northern beaches.

More than 30 FRNSW firefighters and eight fire trucks were called in to attack the blaze on Barrenjoey Road just after midday.

Flames were discovered inside the roof cavity above the six adjoining shops.

Two people inside at the time of the incident were evacuated.

Wearing breathing apparatus and using thermal imaging cameras, FRNSW crews entered the building to locate and douse the fire.

They were forced to withdraw a short time later due to a partial roof collapse and the discovery of a ruptured gas main.

Around 30 residents from two nearby unit blocks were evacuated due to safety concerns.

Gas and electricity supplies have since been cut off.

The public is urged to avoid the area while firefighting operations continue.

Specialist fire investigators from FRNSW's Fire Investigation and Research Unit (FIRU) will look into the cause of the fire.

EDITORS NOTE: Video footage of FRNSW crews responding, including aerial (drone) imagery, is available via this web link: [external link]

Updated: 30 Jan 2023 09:13pm

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Related safety topics

High-rise fire safety

The best way to keep you and your family safe is to prevent fires from occurring and know what to do in case of a fire.

Details about this incident may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.

For all life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000)

For flood information, warnings or requests for non-life threatening assistance, call the SES on 132 500 or visit the NSW State Emergency Service website here. [external link].

For information directly relating to bushfires please call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737 or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service Website here. [external link]

Stations nearby

MONA VALE Fire Station

6 Harkeith Street, Mona Vale NSW 2103

AVALON Fire Station

689 Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach NSW 2107

NARRABEEN Fire Station

9 Ocean Street, Narrabeen NSW 2101