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We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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Firefighters have praised the actions of two young brothers who have raised the alarm during a Hunter Valley house fire, protecting their parents and saving their home. Around 6.30pm on Wednesday, a clothes dryer caught alight in the laundry of the... Learn more about the Firefighters praise actions of young children during house fire at Muswellbrook.
More firefighters will be at the top of their game as Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) teams up with elite sporting organisations to deliver health and wellbeing support. Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience and Minister for Flood Recovery Steph Cooke... Learn more about the Sporting clubs support firefighter welfare in game-changing partnership at Redfern.
CASTLECRAG | #FRNSW a male had fallen in bushland behind properties @Sunnyside Cresent. @NSWAmbulance stabilised the patient, FFs then packed the gentleman into a rescue strecher and him out to the ambulance. @WilloughbyCity View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have contained a large fire in a building at Chippendale in inner Sydney. The blaze is believed to have broken out in a bedroom on the second level of the Regent Street address just before... Learn more about the Firefighters contain large building fire at Chippendale.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are monitoring a gas leak which has forced the evacuation of a Blue Mountains school. It is understood tradespeople, who were carrying out works around Lawson Public School, accidentally cut a gas pipe shortly before... Learn more about the School evacuated as gas pipe ruptured at Lawson.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews believe a fire, which damaged a factory in Sydney's west overnight, started in an oven used to bake bread. An automatic fire alarm alerted firefighters to the blaze in Moorebank shortly after 9:45pm. Flames and a... Learn more about the Fire destroys Western Sydney factory at Moorebank.
Following a spate of devastating fire fatalities and near-misses since the beginning of winter, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has ramped up its ongoing efforts to educate the community about home fire safety. Over the past few months, firefighters have... Learn more about the FRNSW firefighters hit the streets to educate community about home fire safety at .
EDMONDSON PARK | #FRNSW in attended a crash on M5 under Campbelltown Bridge truck involved. FFs made safe hazardous material escape from vehicle. There is heavy traffic north bound @Lpool_Council @LiveTrafficSyd @nswpolice View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have determined that a candle left unattended on a verandah caused a fire that destroyed a home in Newcastle yesterday. Blown over by the wind, the candle set fire to a couch and the blaze... Learn more about the Unattended candle burns down house at Merewether.
CROYDON | Update #FRNSW FFs have ext main body of fire, now using two ladder platform trucks to gain access through the roof to complete extinguishment. At this stage structure too dangerous to enter @IWCouncil View on X [external link]
Approximately 15 people have been evacuated from a two-level building comprising of shops on the ground level and residents above early this morning following a fire. A fire broke out in the Edward Street building and spread to adjoining properties.... Learn more about the FRNSW crews battle residential building fire at Croydon, NSW.
CROYDON | #FRNSW 20 Fire Trucks approx 80 FFs working to contain a fire in a row of shops with residence above. A number of evacs no injuries at this stage. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance l View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are at a school at Petersham in Sydney's inner west where a stone mason has been critically injured by falling scaffolding and concrete. The incident occurred just before 11.30am at the Parramatta Road site. Four rescue... Learn more about the Stone mason crushed by scaffolding and concrete at Petersham.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have assisted at the scene of two separate road crashes, 100 metres apart, today at Leppington, in Sydney's south west. The crashes occurred in the westbound lanes of Bringelly Road, just before 8.30am. Three cars collided... Learn more about the Seven hospitalised in separate crashes, 100m apart at Leppington.
GUILDFORD | Update #FRNSW FFs contained fire to one ground floor unit occupant self evac. Approx 20 evacs from other units in complex. 5 adults & 2 year old child assessed for smoke inhalation by @NSWAmbulance not transported. Smoke damage to foyer other occupants returned View on X [external link]
GUILDFORD | #FRNSW Station Street. 6 fire trucks & 24 FFs have contained a fire in a ground floor unit of a 3 level block. At least 3 people with smoke inhalation FFs providing initial treatment, all fire trucks carry oxygen . @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance supporting operations. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is playing a major role in a program aimed at avoiding risky behaviour by teenage drivers. The ‘bstreetsmart’ initiative, run by the Westmead Hospital’s Trauma Service at Qudos Bank Arena in Homebush, brings FRNSW crews, NSW... Learn more about the Firefighters help change risky teen driving behaviour - Video at Homebush.
A family of seven has narrowly escaped danger after its car crashed into its house this morning at Leppington in Sydney's south west. Around 7.15am, a neighbour's car struck the family's sedan, parked in its Ridge Square driveway. The parked car, in... Learn more about the Family of seven escapes car into house at Leppington.
BERKELEY VALE | #FRNSW Home totally involed in fire, Lakedge Av, all persons out. FFs working to stop fire from spreading to adjoining homes. @NSWRFS @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance assiting operations. @CCoastCouncil Working smoke alarms save lives.. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are working to seal a gas leak that's resulted in the evacuation of around 350 people today at Waterloo in inner Sydney. The alarm was raised just before 10.30am when two people at the Botany... Learn more about the Around 350 evacuated during gas emergency at Waterloo.
WATERLOO | #FRNSW Investigating a gas leak on Botany Rd near Henderson Rd. Evacuations taking place specialist FFs are in attendance and investigating. Two people are reporting of feeling unwell @NSWAmbulance @cityofsydney @nswpolice View on X [external link]
TARAGO | #FRNSW Braidwood Rd semi trailer rolled over, FFs assessing for any hazardous material escape, @NSWAmbulance treating casualty who is out of the vehicle @NSWRFS providing fire protection. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighter Ellen Ryan has made Commonwealth Games history, claiming gold with an inspiring two-shot victory in lawn bowls. The Goulburn on-call brigade member became the first Australian in her sport to win a gold medal in... Learn more about the FRNSW firefighter wins Commonwealth Games gold at Goulburn.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are currently on the scene of a factory fire on the Central Coast. The blaze broke out on Wisemans Ferry Road in Somersby around 9am. Approximately 20 fire trucks and 80 firefighters rushed to the scene,... Learn more about the People evacuated as FRNSW crews battle factory fire at Somersby .
#FRNSW firefighters now have fire control & are continuing to douse hot spots. View on X [external link]
RT @PaulBaxterFRNSW: As our community grows and changes, so do we. This morning @stephcookemp joined us to announce a multi-million dollar investment that will bring Wentworthville Fire Station into the modern era and deliver an expanded response to emergencies across Western Sydney. View on X [external link]
HORSLEY PARK | #FRNSW Truck Crash - B Double on side @ Old Walgrove Rd, FFs provided emergency medical treatment to an occupant with head injuries until arrival of @NSWAmbulance & rendered safe hazardous spill @FairfieldMayor traffic will be impacted for a while @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is warning the public that in most house fires this winter, toxic smoke is a more immediate threat to life than the flames. Residential fires have claimed 13 lives in NSW so far this season, with... Learn more about the Check your alarms – smoke just as deadly as flames in a house fire at .
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) investigators are trying to determine the cause of a large blaze this morning in a Newcastle car wrecking yard. More than 24 fire trucks, including two aerial appliances, were dispatched to the scene in Sandpiper Drive... Learn more about the Wrecking yard destroyed by fire at Kooragang.
KOORAGANG | #FRNSW crews attended a large building fire at a mechanical work shop & wrecking yard on sandpiper close just before 3:00am. Over 20 trucks and specialty appliances responded to the call. Fire Investigation & Research (FIRU) are on scene. @CityNewcastle View on X [external link]
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.