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We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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25 years ago, on 30 July 1997, a landslide in Thredbo ski village destroyed two lodges, sparking one of the nations biggest rescue operations. As a result of the marathon search and rescue operation, 165 FRNSW firefighters were commended for their meritorious service. View on X [external link]
ASHFIELD | #FRNSW are on scene at unit fire on Norton St @IWCouncil. Crews have extinguished the fire, and ventilated all units that were affected by smoke. @nswpolice had closed parts of the road, @NSWAmbulance were on scene for FF welfare View on X [external link]
BALMAIN | #FRNSW received a call to station this morning to assist public. Resident of @IWCouncil home in Birchgrove Rd had found possum stuck in a drain. Crews successfully freed the trapped curious animal and passed onto @WIRESWildlife. View on X [external link]
DOUGLAS PARK | #FRNSW are on scene at Menangle Rd in @wdillycouncil. A 2 car motor vehicle accident, has left one car fully involved in fire, and crews quickly extinguished. Road diversions are in place by @nswpolice. @NSWRFS & @NSWAmbulance on scene View on X [external link]
ROZELLE | #FRNSW attended a house fire earlier this morning. A small fire in the roof of the Callan St address in @IWCouncil, crews quickly extinguish the fire before it spread. Owners were in the residence, but no one was injured. #SmokeDetectorsSaveLives View on X [external link]
Hed been lying in cold wet mud for days with water running over him. Its an amazing story he survived. Its something Ill never forget.Remembering #Thredbo, 25 years on, with @10NewsFirst. View on X [external link]
SEVEN HILLS | #FRNSW have just arrived on scene in @blacktowncc to garage fire. Large volumes of smoke caused by washing machine alight. Residents were advised not to extinguish with water due to electricity involved. @nswpolice & @NSWAmbulance also responding. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) extinguished a car fire at Blackwall on the NSW Central Coast earlier this morning. A crew from Umina responded to the incident on Blackwall Road near the local boat ramp around 5.15 am. Upon arrival, firefighters... Learn more about the Car Fire at Blackwall.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has extinguished a house fire in Manly Vale on Sydney's Northern Beaches today. FRNSW received a Triple Zero (000) call from a resident on a neighbouring balcony who could see large volumes of smoke coming from... Learn more about the House Fire at Manly Vale.
Over the weekend, #FRNSW firefighters visited Bear Cottage to present bravery medals to children confronted with life-limiting illnesses and end of life situations. Firefighters say the smiles on their faces when they hand the medals over are priceless! View on X [external link]
MANLY VALE | Update: #FRNSW have extinguished the fire, and given an All Clear of search & rescue. FFs looking for fire extension. Power isolated by @Ausgrid. 1 person was treated for smoke inhalation by @NSWAmbulance. #StaySafe View on X [external link]
MANLY VALE | #FRNSW are on scene at a house fire in @beachescouncil. 000 calls came through from resident on the balcony of her home. Crews are in breathing apparatus inside fighting to control the fire. @nswpolice are on scene and shutting the street. View on X [external link]
BLACKWALL | #FRNSW arrived to the boat ramp earlier this morning in @NSWCentralCoast area. The car was fully alight when crew from @FRNSW Umina arrived. Crews did a great job in extinguishing the fire with response also from @NSWRFS. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Hazardous Materials experts have rendered safe the scene of a chemical scare this afternoon at Alexandria in inner Sydney. Three FRNSW crews from Alexandria and Newtown fire stations rushed to an industrial property in Bourke Road... Learn more about the Firefighters declare 'all clear' on hazardous materials incident at Alexandria.
ALEXANDRIA | Update: #FRNSW have monitored atmospheric conditions and deemed safe, all workers allowed back onto site. Chemicals will be transported, and disposed of. @cityofsydney site handed back to owners. Well done to all emergency service crews on ground @FRNSW & @nswpolice View on X [external link]
WAHROONGA | #FRNSW on scene near bridge of M1 @krgcouncil. 3 car motor vehicle accident. @nswpolice closed road in both directions. @NSWAmbulance are assessing 2 people in the cars. @LiveTrafficSyd for further updates. View on X [external link]
ALEXANDRIA | #FRNSW are on scene in @cityofsydney area at a Hazmat Incident. 100pp have self evacuated from the Bourke Rd address when 2 chemicals were accidentally mixed. @FRNSW scientists are monitoring atmospheric conditions. View on X [external link]
A boat that went up in flames last night has now sunk in the Parramatta River in Sydney's inner west. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) received 30 individual Triple Zero (000) calls alerting crews to the emergency at 6pm last night. The... Learn more about the Boat sinks hours after catching fire at Rozelle.
CASULA | #FRNSW technical rescue crews are on scene at a 3 car motor vehicle accident where a 4WD has been pushed into a retaining wall. 1 male is being treated by @NSWAmbulance. @nswpolice are also on scene. View on X [external link]
ROZELLE | #FRNSW are on scene at the waters edge in @IWCouncil. Multiple 000 calls for a boat on fire 30m offshore. The vessel is not attached to a mooring. Please give way to emergency vehicles as they move along shore streets. View on X [external link]
MARAYLYA | Update: #FRNSW technical rescue crews successfully extricated driver from truck, who was then transported to hospital via @NSWAmbulance. Good job completed by all! @nswpolice and @NSWRFS crews also on scene View on X [external link]
MARAYLYA | #FRNSW is on scene at a motor vehicle accident in @TheHillsCouncil area. The driver has become trapped in the truck, and @FRNSW technical rescue crews are extricating the driver, while being treated and stabilised by @NSWAmbulance. Please drive with caution View on X [external link]
ANNANDALE | #FRNSW A major gas main ruptured in Johnstone St ealier today has been rendered safe by shutting off the supply. FFs used water sprays to disperse the gas to prevent any explosion and fire. FFs also used gas detectors to determine evacuations and exclusion zones. View on X [external link]
Three people, including a child, have died and three others have been seriously injured in a house fire in Sydney’s south-west this morning. Shortly after 5:30am, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to a property well-alight at the intersection of Rottnest... Learn more about the Three people killed in house fire at Hinchinbrook.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) and NSW Police will provide an update on a fatal house fire in Hinchinbrook in Sydney’s south-west this morning. WHEN: 11:45am TODAY (Sunday 24 July) WHERE: Cnr Rottnest Ave & Roxby Pl Hinchinbrook WHO: Megan Stiffler FRNSW Deputy Commissioner Det. Chief Insp. Allyson Fenwick NSW... Learn more about the MEDIA ALERT: Fatal house fire at Hinchinbrook.
HINCHINBROOK | #FRNSW working to contain a fire in a townhouse. A number of people have been rescued by FFs and are being worked on by @NSWAmbulance. 10 fire trucks in attendance. @nswpolice. View on X [external link]
MARAYONG | A fire has started in the kitchen of a home on marigold avenue. #FRNSW crews have control of the fire. @NSWAmbulance are treating a patient of scene for smoke inhalation. @nswpolice in attendance. @blacktowncc View on X [external link]
MINTO | #FRNSW crews are on scene at a townhouse alight on Porter Street. One male patient being treated on scene by @NSWAmbulance. @nswpolice are in attendance. @campbelltownnsw View on X [external link]
NEUTRAL BAY | Update 1 #FRNSW is lead agency for structural collapse response in NSW. USAR trained FFs stabilised & rendered site safe after truck crashed into the ground floor of this apartment block. All occupants allowed to return @NthSydCouncil @stephcookemp View on X [external link]
A truck has crashed into an apartment building in Neutral Bay on Sydney's Lower North Shore this afternoon. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews responded to the incident on Ben Boyd Road shortly after 2:30pm. On arrival, they discovered the vehicle had... Learn more about the Truck crashes into apartment building at Neutral Bay .
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.