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We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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An elderly woman has escaped a house fire after hearing a window crack from the heat at Mount Druitt in Greater Western Sydney today. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters donned breathing apparatus to combat the single-level blaze and searched the... Learn more about the House Fire at Mount Druitt.
PEAKHURST | A van has crashed into a house on Forest Rd. The van has compromised the structural integrity of the house. #FRNSW crews are using equipment to prop the house up to allow the van to be removed. The driver has been treated by @NSWAmbulance. View on X [external link]
MOSMAN | A lady has been rescued from her car by #FRNSW crews after a single vehicle crash on Prince Albert St. Firefighters found the car on its side and worked to remove the roof to extricate her. View on X [external link]
RT @FRNSW_RS3: @FRNSW #WaggaWagga firefighters are training in the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems #RPAS#RPAS will be installed at #FRNSW #WaggaWagga and will be deployed to support all types of operations & other agencies#preparedforanything#FRNSW View on X [external link]
MIDDLE BROTHER | A lady is unable to walk after a slip and fall in bushland near Stoney Creek Rd. @what3words technology was used by #FRNSW Operational Comms to located the patient. A helo is standing by with FRNSW and @NSWAmbulance crews to assist the patient. View on X [external link]
MIDDLE BROTHER | A lady is unable to walk after slip and fall in bushland near Stoney Creek Rd. @what3words technology was used by #FRNSW Operational Comms to located the patient. A helo is standing by with FRNSW and @NSWAmbulance crews to assist the patient. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have been involved in a marathon 10-hour, two-person rescue at Rossglen on the state's mid-north coast. Just after 5:30 pm yesterday, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews were asked to assist in the multi-agency rescue... Learn more about the Marathon rescue and airlift at Rossglen.
URALLA | A drenched and less than impressed, however grateful kitten was rescue by #FRNSW crews from Uralla earlier today. The saturated feline was found clawing for life in a water tank on a property north-east of Tamworth. View on X [external link]
WOLLONGONG | Following the receipt of multiple Triple Zero (000) calls. #FRNSW crews from across the Illawarra are working to contain and extinguish a house fire on Atchison St. The house is thought to be abandoned. View on X [external link]
BONDI JUNCTION | A man has suffered minor injuries after the balcony he was standing on collapsed. The balcony was attached to a terrace house on Botany St. @CityOfSydFRNSW and surrounding #FRNSW crews are working to stabilise and secure the scene. View on X [external link]
A man has escaped serious injury at a partial building collapse at Bondi in Sydney's East earlier today. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have secured the balcony of a residential terrace after it collapsed onto a car at... Learn more about the Balcony Collapse at Bondi Junction.
SYDNEY CBD | A large battery-bank is off-gassing in a building on Rawson Place. #FRNSW were assigned at 8am following receipt of an automatic fire alarm and arrived to find a smoke-affected security guard. Crews are working to isolate the batteries and ventilate the building. View on X [external link]
FAIRFIELD WEST | #FRNSW crews from Sydneys West have prevented the spread of an intense fire found in a two-level shop within a row of shops on Rawson St. One occupant is being treated for smoke inhalation. Operations are ongoing. @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice. View on X [external link]
Firefighters have prevented a shop fire in a two-level block from spreading to neighbouring properties at Fairfiest West in Greater Western Sydney earlier today. Fire and Rescue (FRNSW) quickly accessed the building and located the seat of the fire as crews... Learn more about the Shop Fire at Fairfield West.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are in attendance at a building on Rawson Street in Sydney's CBD following a call by Automatic Fire Alarm. On arrival, a security guard was found to be overcome by fumes from a large... Learn more about the Off-gassing battery bank at Sydney CBD.
LAKE ALBERT | #FRNSW crews have contained a fire in a single level home on Angela Rd. One person has self evacuated. No injuries reported @FRNSW_RS3 View on X [external link]
RT @FRNSW_RS3: @FRNSW firefighters have accessed fire originBurnt product being removed & extinguished All persons accounted & no reported damage injuries #FRNSW View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a fire and averted a potential catastrophe at a feed mill at Corowa on the New South Wales-Victoria border. Around 9.30 this morning, two trucks from Corowa Fire Station and a Hazardous Materials... Learn more about the Mill fire at Corowa.
BORAMBOLA | A semi has crashed into a paddock on the Sturt Hwy. #FRNSW HAZMAT crews are working with @NSWRFS members to assess reports of a fuel leak. The trucks driver is uninjured. View on X [external link]
BLAXLAND | A car has crashed and rolled near the McDonalds restaurant on the Great Western Hwy. One male is trapped. #FRNSW crews have commenced rescue. @NSWAmbulance and @nswpolice are in attendance. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have mopped up a liquid chlorine spill that's injured four people at Warners Bay at Lake Macquarie. Several FRNSW crews attended the spill at a pool services company in Hillsborough Road just before 11.30 this... Learn more about the Four treated for chlorine burns at Warners Bay.
ROBERTSON | Two cars have crashed on Caalong St, one male is trapped. #FRNSW crews are responding. View on X [external link]
ROYAL NATIONAL PARK | At least three swimmers have been pulled from the water and are being treated by combined services. There are unconfirmed reports of other swimmers in distress. View on X [external link]
FIVE DOCK | Two friendly corellas found themselves tangled in discarded fishing line which then became snagged in overhead powerlines. #FRNSW crews worked carefully to retrieve and lower them to safety. Theyre now in the care of a local vet. View on X [external link]
PENRITH | A small boat with five people on board has capsized on the Nepean River near Bruce Neale Drive. Four people are accounted for while a multi-agency operation is underway to locate the fifth occupant. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are at the scene of a capsized boat on the Nepean River near Penrith. The tinny, carrying five people, flipped over just after 12.30 this afternoon after it unintentionally went over the Penrith Weir. FRNSW crews... Learn more about the Tinny Capsize at Penrith.
Three Fire and Rescue NSW innovators rewarded with Australia Day Honours Three dedicated Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters have been awarded Australian Fire Service Medals (AFSM) for their commitment towards mental health, community engagement and public safety. The AFSM was established... Learn more about the Australia Day Honours at .
RT @PaulBaxterFRNSW: Superintendent Peter Jacobs has been awarded the AFSM for his exemplary service to our people + the community of NSW. His current role of Prevention + Support has been instrumental in leading cultural change within FRNSW. Peter leads by example and is the change he wishes to see. View on X [external link]
RT @PaulBaxterFRNSW: Congratulations to Captain David O’Donnell! Working with NSW Ambulance under the Community First Responder program means his crew can assist remote and isolated communities during medical emergencies. His dedication to emergency prevention, response and recovery speaks volumes. View on X [external link]
RT @PaulBaxterFRNSW: Senior Firefighter Tara Lal has been awarded the AFSM for her vital contributions to building and maintaining the mental health and resilience of our firefighters. The wellbeing of our people is so important to me, and to have Tara embed this within our culture is invaluable. View on X [external link]
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.