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We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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BROADWATER | Two people are trapped following a head on car crash on the Princes Hwy near Eden. #FRNSW, @NSWAmbulance and @nswpolice are all working to free the trapped occupants. Traffic is affected in both directions. View on X [external link]
MOUNT VICTORIA | Multiple #FRNSW crews are working to clean up a spill of vegetable oil on the Great Western Highway. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) was called to a garage fire on Blueridge Drive, Blue Haven just before 8.30 pm last night. Upon arrival, crews found the fire had spread into the roof space of the single-level home. Working quickly,... Learn more about the House Fire Blue Haven at Blue Haven.
Congratulations to everyone who has participated in the @Fire400in4 Charity Ride. Supporting @westmeadkids. View on X [external link]
PAMPOOLAH | Two cars have crashed on the northbound lanes of the Pacific Hwy, 3 km north of Old Bar Rd. One person has been rescued and another is being removed by #FRNSW and the VRA. @NSWRFS, @NSWAmbulance and @nswpolice in attendance. View on X [external link]
BOWNING | #FRNSW Firefighters from Yass Fire Station are responding to support the @NSWRFS at a confirmed truck fire on the Hume Hwy. No injuries reported. View on X [external link]
Approximately 40 Firefighters from Fire and Rescue (FRNSW) and NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) worked for several hours to extinguish a blaze at a vacant building in Goulburn in the Southern Tablelands over the weekend. Two unused buildings were fully... Learn more about the Historic Building Fire at Goulburn.
Late last night the @Fire400in4 Charity Ride hit the total fundraised amount of $1M. This amount has been raised over 16 years and is all donated to @westmeadkids. View on X [external link]
KELLYVILLE | #FRNSW crews rescued a dog from a house fire on Lycett St last night. Unfortunately the top level of the two level home was destroyed and the ground level was badly damaged. No injuries were reported and investigations are ongoing. View on X [external link]
TOPI TOPI | A boat has been badly damaged by fire as it was being towed northbound on the Pacific Hwy. The fire was extinguished by @NSWRFS and now #FRNSW HAZMAT specialists will contain and decant 400 litres of fuel from the boat. View on X [external link]
Our firefighters will be more connected than ever, thanks to the NSW Govt investment into leading communications technology and IT systems. Among this investment are vehicles that can restore access to power and technology capable of extending radio communications coverage. View on X [external link]
RT @FRNSW_RS3: @FRNSW attending furnace incident #Albury Firefighters are working to control foundry fireNo reported injuries #FRNSW View on X [external link]
MACQUARIE FIELDS | #FRNSW Firefighters have contained a house fire on Melliodora Way. Fire was through the roof on arrival. @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice View on X [external link]
CAMBRIDGE PARK | #FRNSW firefighters from Ropes Crossing navigated traffic during difficult conditions as they responded to a fire alarm activated by storm activity. When you hear our siren or see our red and blue flashing lights, you must give way so we can pass View on X [external link]
MERRYLANDS | Three vehicles are stranded by floodwater on Military Rd near Guildford Rd. #FRNSW and @nswpolice crews are assisting the drivers. Avoid the area. View on X [external link]
MT DRUITT | The ceiling of at least one store inside Westfield Mt Druitt has collapsed following a storm. #FRNSW crews are working to assess the damage and stabilise the roof. Call Triple Zero (000) for emergencies and the @NSWSES on 132500 for all other storm related requests. View on X [external link]
WILTON | #FRNSW rescue crews have worked to release the trapped occupants of multiple vehicles involved in a crash on the Pheasants Nest Bridge on the Hume Highway. @nswpolice, @NSWAmbulance and @NSWRFS in attendance. The highway is currently closed to all northbound traffic. View on X [external link]
RT @BOM_NSW: URGENT UPDATE: Multiple #thunderstorms are currently, or about to, impact major population centres, incl #Sydney. A Very Dangerous storm currently tracking towards Fairfield. People should immediately check their local radars @nswpolice @NSWSES View on X [external link]
BROADWATER | Early this morning, a truck left the Princes Hwy near Eden and crashed. The driver was able to exit the wreckage before it was consumed by fire which was extinguished by #FRNSW and @NSWRFS firefighters. A salvage operation is ongoing. View on X [external link]
RT @BOM_NSW: #NSWWeather: A stormy ⚡ few days forecast as a front sweeps across the state, severe ⚠️ storms are possible so keep an eye on the radar & warnings. Most areas should clear through the weekend, but it'll be a little breezy on Saturday.Forecasts: @NSWSES View on X [external link]
LANE COVE | Fire is through the roof of a single level house on Bridge St. The occupant of the house safely self-evacuated and crews are working to prevent the fire spreading to neighbouring properties. @NSWAmbulance, @nswpolice in attendance also. View on X [external link]
... Learn more about the House Fire at 61 Bridge St, Lane Cove.
WAVERLEY | A lady is trapped in a car crash on Victoria St. @NSWAmbulance, @nswpolice and #FRNSW crews are in attendance. View on X [external link]
NTH NOWRA | #FRNSW and @NSWAmbulance crews are working their way on foot to a patient with a suspected broken leg following a cliff fall on Yurunga Dr. Crews are formulating a plan to extract the patient once stabilised. View on X [external link]
SANS SOUCI | Multiple #FRNSW crews are working to contain a house fire on Moss St. All occupants from the single level house are accounted for. Fire is through the roof of the home. View on X [external link]
MULGOA | Combined services are in attendance at a head on crash on Mulgoa Rd. A rescue helicopter has landed nearby and #FRNSW crews will continue to release the trapped driver of one car. @NSWAmbulance, @nswpolice and @NSWRFS are on scene. View on X [external link]
At 6:03am Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) were alerted to repeats calls of a house on fire. Firefighters from FRNSW and RFS arrived to Hebden Road, Hebden to find a abandoned house fully alight. Being a rural property bolt cutters were... Learn more about the House Fire at Hebden .
ALBION PARK | #FRNSW, @NSWRFS, @nswpolice and @NSWAmbulance are all in attendance at a house fire on Badgery St. All people are accounted for and crews are extinguishing the fire. View on X [external link]
CLIFTON | A person has fallen on a rock shelf near the Sea Cliff Bridge. A rescue helicopter has lowered a doctor to the patient and #FRNSW crews are walking in on foot. The patient will be extracted shortly. View on X [external link]
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.