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We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is currently attending a house fire on Botany Road, Botany. More than 20 firefighters arrived on scene to find heavy smoke and flame issuing from a two level building. Firefighters' quick actions have contained the fire to... Learn more about the House Fire at Botany.
The temperatures have dropped, but your safety standards shouldnt! Stay out of harm this winter, before lighting a fire, always check that your chimney is clear. For more tips on keeping your home safe from fire visit View on X [external link]
RT @MoF_Sydney: Today’s #FlashbackFriday incident took place 10 years ago last month. On 5 July 2011 @FRNSW responded to calls of fire at a factory complex in Bombaderry. It took over 8 crews 20 hours to extinguish. #MuseumofFire #Museum #Fire #Firefighters #history #Bombaderry #Nowra View on X [external link]
WILTON | Multiple #FRNSW crews are working with the @NSWRFS to extinguish a fire in a large machinery shed on Macarthur Drive. View on X [external link]
AIRDS | #FRNSW is working with multiple other agencies to search for a man who is reported to be missing in bushland near Woolwash Road. @NSWSES, @nswpolice, @NSWRFS and @NSWAmbulance are in attendance. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is currently attending to a fire in bushland off Shellharbour Road, Warrawong. More than 10 FRNSW firefighters, with assistance from NSW Rural Fire Service, are working to contain the blaze which broke out just before 2pm. Approximately... Learn more about the Bush Fire at Warrawong.
NAROOMA | 300L of oil has spilt into the inlet off of Bluewater Drive. #FRNSW crews have deployed HAZMAT booms to contain the spill ready for removal. View on X [external link]
RT @frnswaviation: Mortdale | Hazard reduction. FRNSW are currently performing a hazard reduction in Mortdale. Smoke rising vertically and dispersing well. View on X [external link]
RT @PaulBaxterFRNSW: Over the past 20 years climate related disasters have made up 91% of all recorded events.* @FRNSW’s flexible humanitarian response capabilities are deployed both overseas and here in Aus. #OCHA #TheHumanRace *Wallemacq, 2018, Economic Losses, Poverty and Disasters 1998-2017. View on X [external link]
Twenty Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters are currently on scene at a house fire on St Johns Rd, Glebe. The fire broke out at 7:30am this morning, with firefighters arriving to find smoke issuing from the rear of a two-level... Learn more about the House Fire at Glebe.
Just after 4:30 this morning Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) was called to a unit fire in Iwunda Rd, Lalor Park. Upon arrival, firefighters found a ground floor unit well alight and worked quickly to extinguish the blaze. Approximately 20 residents were... Learn more about the Lalor Park Unit Fire at Lalor Park.
Just after midnight, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to numerous Triple Zero (000) calls reporting a house fire on The Anchorage, Dudley. More than 30 firefighters arrived on scene and found the rear of a house well alight. They worked... Learn more about the House Fire at Dudley.
Welcome Saraiha and Kristy! Both on-call firefighters, both from Broken Hill, and both are joining the ranks of our permanent firefighters! View on X [external link]
LIDCOMBE | #FRNSW crews are extinguishing a car fire on Mons St. @LiveTrafficNSW View on X [external link]
SYD CITY | A man has landed heavily and is injured following a fall at an address on George St in the CBD. #FRNSW crews from @CityOfSydFRNSW are working with @nswpolice and @NSWAmbulance to secure and transport the man. View on X [external link]
#FRNSW crews are in attendance at this crash. It will be a protracted incident. View on X [external link]
COFFS HARBOUR | A house on Harbour Drive has been damaged by fire this morning. #FRNSW crews are searching the home and extinguishing the fire which was contained to the garage. View on X [external link]
BROCKLEHURST | A b-double truck has crashed and is on fire on the Newell Hwy. #FRNSW crews from Dubbo are in attendance. The Hwy is closed in both directions. Driver is being treated for minor injuries. View on X [external link]
WADALBA | Multiple #FRNSW crews are working to extinguish a caravan fire on Johns Rd. Additional resources have been assigned to assist with water supply. View on X [external link]
BAR BEACH | Multiple #FRNSW crews are working with @NSWAmbulance paramedics to stabilise and evacuate an injured swimmer from a Newcastle beach. View on X [external link]
#FRNSW crews are assisting the RFS at this incident. View on X [external link]
Congratulations Captain John Dun AFSM on your Rotary Services Community Award! Thank you for being an outstanding leader both within your community and at Fire and Rescue NSW. View on X [external link]
Just before 11.00 am, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) was called to a bus fire on Kellicar Road near Macarthur Square, Campbelltown. Firefighters arrived on scene to find a bus well alight, Heat from the fire also activated nearby fire sprinklers... Learn more about the Bus Destroyed by Fire at Campbelltown.
NORTH ALBURY | #FRNSW crews have extinguished a house fire on Mate St. Two people self-evacuated. Operations are ongoing. View on X [external link]
KARIONG | #FRNSW crews are extinguishing a fire that started in the kitchen of a house on Blackshaw Close. One person is being treated for smoke inhalation. @NSWRFS are also in attendance. View on X [external link]
Now, this is getting out of hound! Moose the noodle horse (greyhound) needed a little help making it home today. 200m of bush steps? Don't even sweat it! View on X [external link]
Stay out of harm this winter, clean your lint filter before or after each use. For more tips on keeping your home safe from fire, visit #StayOutOfHarm #ProtectTheIrreplaceable View on X [external link]
CARSS PARK | #FRNSW rescue crews are working with @NSWAmbulance and @nswpolice to rescue a man who is severely trapped in a major car crash on the Princes Highway in Sydneys south. The hwy is closed at Park Rd. View on X [external link]
WOOLGOOLGA | Multiple agencies are working together to find and evacuate an injured bush walker near Woolgoolga Creek. @NSWSES @NSWAmbulance View on X [external link]
One for our aviation fans! Our firefighters over in Canada have been soaking up as much information as they can, and who better to chat to about planes, than Ray! Living an endless summer between Canada and Aus, Ray pilots this RJ85 Airtanker wherever help is needed. View on X [external link]
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.