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For all life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000)
We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has warned of the dangers operating household clothes dryers following a fire in a home in Hill Street, Leichhardt this morning. FRNSW crews were dispatched to the scene following multiple Triple Zero (000) calls of smoke... Learn more about the Dryer Fire at Leichhardt.
WEST RYDE | A car and bus have crashed on Victoria Rd near Falconer St. Firefighters are working with @NSWAmbulance and @nswpolice. Traffic is badly affected in both directions. View on X [external link]
MACQUARIE FIELDS | Firefighters are working to contain and extinguish a townhouse fire on Montana Way. Numerous #FRNSW crews arrived to find the property well alight. @nswpolice and @NSWAmbulance are also in attendance. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has warned residents to be mindful of fire danger while cooking after a kitchen fire at a home in Jindalee Place, East Killara this afternoon. FRNSW arrived at the home to find a large amount... Learn more about the Kitchen Fire at East Killara.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has warned of the dangers operating household clothes dryers following a small fire in a home in Honeymyrtle Road, Kellyville this afternoon. FRNSW arrived at the house to find a smoke detector operating due to a... Learn more about the Dryer Fire at Kellyville.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) attended an incident in Easton Road, Berowra Heights this afternoon where a van crashed into a house. FRNSW arrived on scene to find the vehicle partially lodged in the front of the house. The driver suffered... Learn more about the Car Crash at Berowra Heights .
RT @FRNSW_RS3: @FRNSW firefighters successfully completed appliance training at #Albury on the weekendThey are now qualified to drive & operate #FRNSW pumpers and continue to be #preparedforanything View on X [external link]
BELFIELD | Firefighters from numerous Inner Western Sydney fire stations are working to extinguish a house fire on Sunlea Cr. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to reports of an unknown material leaking from the rear of a prime mover on Wilcannia Rd, Cobar just before 10:00 am this morning. FRNSW firefighters identified several litres of a substance leaking from the... Learn more about the Hazmat Incident at Cobar.
Our emergency services academy doesnt do realistic drills by halves! We recently hosted @nswpolice alongside @NSWAmbulance and @NSWRFS to run through a counter terrorism response scenario. View on X [external link]
With new restrictions now in place, please wear your mask, sanitise, physical distance and follow the new guidelines to help stop the spread of COVID-19.Stay up to date with the latest details via: and @NSWHealth. View on X [external link]
Just before 3:30pm this afternoon Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to multiple 000 calls for a building fire on Auburn St, Goulburn. FRNSW firefighters arrived to find a building well alight with smoke and flame issuing and got to work... Learn more about the Building Fire at Goulburn.
RT @FRNSW_RS3: @FRNSW attended heavy vehicle crash #SturtHwy west of #WaggaWagga early Saturday morningFuel spill rendered safeCheck @LiveTrafficNSW for road conditions #FRNSW View on X [external link]
Early this morning, 2:00am, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to 000 calls for a house fire on Bourne St, West Tamworth. FRNSW arrived to find a single level empty house well alight with smoke and flame issuing. Firefighters quickly got... Learn more about the House Fire at West Tamworth.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews from Concord and Burwood rescued a 72-year-old man who had fallen from a mobility scooter into the Parramatta River at Breakfast Point today. FRNSW received a Triple Zero (000) call at 12.03pm after the man had... Learn more about the Rescue Incident at Breakfast Point.
RT @PaulBaxterFRNSW: Tim is part of our Natural Disasters and Humanitarian Team at @FRNSW. Go behind the scenes with him to see inside our #USAR 1 truck where, as he says, the equipment "goes out very fast and comes in very dirty".#OCHA #UnitedNations #INSARAG #Rescue #Firefighters View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) attended the scene of a two truck crash at the intersection of Hume Highway and Old Hume Highway at Tumblong around 8.30pm last night One tanker rolled and was leaking a load of 28,000... Learn more about the Truck Crash at Tumblong.
Congratulations to Bankstown Station Officer Craig Vincent, Kellyville Senior Firefighter Kamarah Pooley, Nowra Captain John Dun AFSM, and Leading Firefighter Richard Wilson who were all named as finalists in the 2021 Rotary Emergency Services Community Awards. View on X [external link]
More than 20 Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters from seven local fire stations attended the scene of a car fire in an underground carpark at a unit block in Woodville Road, Guildford today. FRNSW received numerous Triple Zero (000) calls... Learn more about the Car Fire at Guildford.
Stay out of harm, have a working smoke alarm. Over a five year period only half of the house fires that we attended had a working smoke alarm. Find out how you can change this: #StayOutOfHarm #ProtectTheIrreplaceable View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) today attended the scene of a small car fire on Queen St, Muswellbrook, following the explosion of a battery jumper pack. When firefighters arrived they found one male suffering burns to his body after the battery... Learn more about the Car Fire at Muswellbrook.
The NSW Government's investment in our Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems is a great step towards keeping the communities of NSW safe. The new drones will help us with rapid response mapping and hazardous materials detection. View on X [external link]
RT @FRNSW_RS3: @FRNSW in attendance #WaggaWagga building fireMulti level structure with fire on level 2No reported injuries & fire under control#FRNSW View on X [external link]
RT @NSWHealth: ⚠️ PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT – FURTHER VENUES ⚠️ View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has urged residents to ensure they have working smoke alarms installed in their homes after a house in Auburn was totally destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. FRNSW crews were called to the Carrington Street property... Learn more about the House Fire at Auburn.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to 000 calls for smoke issuing from a unit on Goondah St, Villawood just after 4pm this afternoon. FRNSW arrived to find a smoke and flame in a ground level unit and quickly got to... Learn more about the Unit Fire at Villawood.
WAVERTON | The top section of a 3 level building has collapsed onto Harriott street bringing down powerlines. 6 residents have been evacuated and an exclusion zone has been established. Buses have been diverted and an engineer has been sourced. @CityOfSydFRNSW @nswpolice View on X [external link]
WAGGA WAGGA | #FRNSW firefighters have extinguished a small electrical fire in the roof of a school. No injuries were reported. View on X [external link]
A blanked kicked off onto a heater can ignite in minutes. Stay out of harm, keep everything a metre from the heater. For more tips on keeping your home safe from fire, visit #StayOutOfHarm #ProtectTheIrreplaceable View on X [external link]
RT @PaulBaxterFRNSW: After completing our highly realistic Urban Search and Rescue training, these @FRNSW firefighters and @NSWAmbulance paramedics are ready to respond to earthquakes, structural collapses and other disasters locally and overseas. #PreparedForAnything #USAR View on X [external link]
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.