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We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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Despite a combined efforts of FRNSW, @nswpolice, @NSWAmbulance and @NSWRFS this is an extremely tragic outcome for the Easter long weekend. View on X [external link]
Just after 7:30 am this morning Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) received multiple Triple 0 (000) calls to a house alight on Piper Street, Broken Hill. On arrival crews from Broken Hill Fire Station could see an active fire through the... Learn more about the House Fire at Broken Hill.
CASULA | A fire is through the roof of a two level home on White Way. 25 #FRNSW firefighters are in attendance and working to contain and extinguish the fire. @NSWAmbulance and @nswpolice are in attendance. View on X [external link]
RT @FRNSW: MINTO HEIGHTS | A rock climber has been hit and injured by a falling rock near Duncan St. #FRNSW rescue technicians are setting up ropes to assist with access and possible rescue. A rescue helicopter has been mobilised and is also being considered for extraction. View on X [external link]
Fire Blankets are ideal for kitchens at home and at work. Especially where cooking oils are used. #FRNSWs head of People and Culture repacked the demo fire blanket just now at the @eastershow, this is no mean feat! View on X [external link]
RT @FRNSW_MS3: RESCUE INCIDENT I #MermaidsPool At 12:59am Sydney Fire Communications - Fire Rescue NSW received calls to an injured bushwalker at Mermaids Pool #TahmoorPicton Fire & Rescue Station 421 has been responded and is not onscene attempting to gain access to the casualty. View on X [external link]
RT @CityOfSydFRNSW: GOOD LORDs of the Ring | Today we rescued a man from sleeping on the couch when he accidentally dropped his wedding ring under a thick concrete slab. After saving his Easter (and his marriage), he called his wife to give her the Good (Friday) news. #preparedforanything @FRNSW View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) are in attendance at a serious rock climber which has fallen in off Duncan Street, Minto Heights Crews have located the rock climber in very difficult terrain and Ambulance NSW are assessing the patient's injuries. All agencies... Learn more about the Rescue Incident at Minto Heights.
FIREFLY | A truck carrying 37,000 litres of ethanol has overturned and is leaking on Bunyah Rd. #FRNSW crews are working to construct an earth-mound to contain the spillage. The spilt product is covered in foam. @nswpolice have setup a 200m exclusion zone. @NSWRFS also on scene. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) were in attendance at a serious motor vehicle on Nelsons Bay Road, Anna Bay which occurred just before 9:30 am this morning. On arrival, crews found the two-car collision with multiple people trapped. Ambulance NSW treated six... Learn more about the Motor Vehicle Accident at Anna Bay.
Our Acting Commish Jeremy Fewtrell shares a few words from #FRNSWs stand at this years Royal Easter Show. @eastershow View on X [external link]
Catch us at the Easter Show today till 12 April. Weve got tons on display and we cant wait to meet you. Visit our website for the full list of activities here: View on X [external link]
RT @FewtrellJeremy: I really wish this tragic house fire was not the topic of my first tweet. My thoughts are with those affected, including the lady’s family, my attending crews, @nswpolice and the local community. Learn about @FRNSW’s Safety Visit program: View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters from Moss Vale, Bowral and Mittagong have extinguished a House Fire on Clarence Street, Moss Vale which broke out just after 6:30am this morning. When firefighters arrived, they were confronted with a two-storey house well... Learn more about the House Fire at Moss Vale.
Acting Commissioner Jeremy Fewtrell AFSM addressed media this morning to discuss the challenging fire at a home in Campsie yesterday evening and to recognise the quick thinking of one of the firefighters on scene.Our deepest condolences to the family who lost a loved one. View on X [external link]
We've been working alongside the ADF @AustralianArmy helping people like Sarah get back on their feet and into their homes after the floods. View on X [external link]
HORSLEY PARK | Firefighters are working to contain a spill of 500 litres of diesel on the M7. The fuel is reported to have leaked from the fuel tank of machinery which is being transported by a prime mover. Crews are using pumps and absorbent material. Traffic is affected. View on X [external link]
FRNSW attended a housefire which broke out in Evaline Street, Campsie in Sydney’s south west just before 5pm today. Firefighters found smoke and flames coming from the single-level home soon after arrival at the property. Rescue tools were used to force entry... Learn more about the House Fire Rescue at Campsie.
Just after 2:30 pm today Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to a two-vehicle accident on Roberts Road, Greenacre On arrival, Fire crews found one vehicle on its side with an occupant trapped inside. With fire protection in place, crews stabilized the... Learn more about the Car Crash at Greenacre.
More than a dozen Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters have worked to release a young male from a serious motor vehicle crash this afternoon on Bank Street, Wollongong. One vehicle came to rest on top of another vehicle outside a... Learn more about the Motor Vehicle Crash at Wollongong.
Just after 10:30am this morning, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews from Forestville, Willoughby and Dee Why responded to a House Fire in Violet Avenue, Forestville. Arriving crews found smoke issuing from the bedroom in the house, and quickly gained entry... Learn more about the House fire at Forestville.
Just after 9:00am this morning, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to a Triple Zero (000) call to a roof alight on Graham Street, Auburn. When firefighters arrived, they found solar panel wiring arcing on the roof. Following further investigation, the... Learn more about the Solar Panel Fire at Auburn.
Visit us at the @royaleastershow from April 1 - April 12! View on X [external link]
MERRYLANDS (M4) | #FRNSW rescue crews are in attendance at a multiple vehicle crash on the M4 motorway. Crews are using rescue equipment to release a trapped occupant of one vehicle. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance View on X [external link]
#FRNSW Rescue crews are working to free the trapped passenger. View on X [external link]
Just after 10 am, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) and other emergency services were called to a property in Kinchela on the state's mid-north coast after a foal had become stuck inside a 5000L septic tank. FRNSW worked alongside the NSW... Learn more about the Horse Rescue at Kinchela.
DAVISTOWN | A boat is partially submerged on the Central Coast. #FRNSW crews are working to deploy booms to contain any spill and render the area safe. The boat is secured to a pylon. @NSW_EPA View on X [external link]
Dairy farmer James Neal had his life turned upside down when his farm was flooded. Dairy cows need to be milked to stay healthy so our crews got busy to get the milking equipment up and running. No space for puns here, so weve just skimmed the cream View on X [external link]
Just after midday on Sunday 28th March 2021, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) were alerted to a container that had washed up on Newcastle beach. The drum is believed to have contained Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) and, as a precautionary measure, crews... Learn more about the Hazardous Materials Incident at Newcastle.
Just after 8:30 am this morning, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews responded to an automatic fire alarm on Farrell Avenue, Darlinghurst. Upon arrival, firefighters quickly discovered a fire that had broken out inside of a unit. The crew quickly evacuated... Learn more about the Unit Fire at Darlinghurst.
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.