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We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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ARNCLIFFE | #FRNSW FFs are working to extinguish a car fire on Forest Rd. Traffic stopped in all directions. @nswpolice @BaysideNSW @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
RUTHERFORD | #FRNSW Crews are on scene at a large shipping container fire on Kyle St. @nswpolice @NSWRFS in attendance. @MaitlandCouncil View on X [external link]
HOLROYD | #FRNSW Crews are on scene at a crash eastbound on the M4 involving 6 cars. Traffic delays to be expected. @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice @parracity @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
A confused cow has sparked two Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) emergencies in 24 hours in western Sydney. The cow was first spotted on the loose in a shopping centre at Caddens last night, prompting an emergency response from a crew... Learn more about the Firefighters race to the rescue of a befuddled bovine - Twice! at Werrington.
BRANXTON | #FRNSW Crews are on scene after a van has crashed into a house on Pyrus Av. @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice @NSWRFS are in attendance. @Singleton_NSW View on X [external link]
WERRINGTON | #FRNSW FFs have rescued a cow from a dam at Western Sydney Uni. @nswpolice @westernsydneyu @penrithcouncil View on X [external link]
WETHERILL PARK | #FRNSW Crews are on scene at a truck rollover on Cowpasture Rd. FFs are working on the containment of a large amount of diesel spilt onto the road. @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice on scene. @fairfieldtoday View on X [external link]
TABLE TOP | #FRNSW FFs have contained a large diesel after a single truck crash on the Hume Hwy. @AlburyCity @livetrafficnsw View on X [external link]
MERRYLANDS | #FRNSW FFs have a attended a car fire in the carpark of Stockland Mall. View on X [external link]
TOWRADGI | #FRNSW FFs are on scene at a two car crash on Pioneer Rd. @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice @Wollongong_City View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW has found that faulty Christmas tree lights sparked a New Year's Eve house fire at Leonay in Sydney's west.No-one was inside the home when the fire broke out on the second level around 11.30pm on SaturdayThe house was badly damaged by the intense heat View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW crews are mopping up after a fire that's badly damaged a home at NararaThe fire broke out, engulfing the top floor of the two-storey house in Shona Close, just after 9.45amNine fire trucks battled the blaze. No-one was injured View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) investigators have determined that faulty Christmas tree lights sparked an intense New Year's Eve house fire at Leonay in Sydney's west. No-one was inside the home when the fire broke out on the second level of... Learn more about the Faulty Christmas tree lights spark intense house fire at Leonay.
WESTON | #FRNSW Crews have responded to a fire burning near Chinamans Hollow in the Hunter Region. @CessnockCouncil View on X [external link]
CHARLESTOWN | #FRNSW Crews are on scene at a house fire on Conifer Cl. All occupants evacuated. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance @lakemac View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are mopping up after a fire that's badly damaged a home at Narara, on the state's Central Coast. The fire broke out, engulfing the top floor of the two-storey house in Shona Close, just after... Learn more about the Firefighters extinguish house fire at Narara.
NARARA | UPDATE 1 #FRNSW FFs are working to extinguish a fire that engulfed the top level of a two storey home. All occupants evacuated. @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice are on scene. @CCoastCouncil View on X [external link]
NARARA | #FRNSW Crews are responding to a house fire on Shona Cl after multiple calls were received by 000. @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice @CCoastCouncil View on X [external link]
Fire crews are battling a large grass fire at Boolaroo in the state's Lake Macquarie area. The blaze broke out around 12.45pm near Milburn Circuit. The flames are being fanned by strong easterly winds. No properties are under threat at present as the... Learn more about the Large grass fire in inaccessible bushland at Boolaroo.
2 people who survived a plane crash in far S-W NSW have been treated for minor injuries by FRNSW & paramedicsThe Jabiru ultralight lost power & clipped trees during a crash landing near Wentworth, just before noonFire crews walked through floodwaters to reach the pair View on X [external link]
NIRIMBA FIELDS | FRNSW Crews are working to extinguish a house fully involved in fire on Quakers Rd. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance are on scene. @blacktowncc View on X [external link]
RAZORBACK | #FRNSW FFs are using hydraulic tools to free a trapped occupant after a car and truck collided on Menangle Rd. Traffic stopped in all directions. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance @FRNSW_MS3 @wdillycouncil View on X [external link]
BALCOLYN | #FRNSW are on scene at a boat fire on Queen St in the Lake Macquarie Region. @lakemac View on X [external link]
Two people, who survived a light plane crash this morning near Wentworth, in the state's far south-west, are now being treated in hospital for minor injuries. The 'Jabiru' ultralight lost power just before midday today forcing the pilot to attempt a... Learn more about the Light plane crash update at Wentworth.
SMITHS LAKE | #FRNSW are on scene after a car has driven into a swimming pool in Palm Cl on the states mid coast. No persons trapped. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are at the scene of a multi-vehicle pile-up on the M1 Motorway at Mooney Mooney. Five FRNSW trucks, along with the Rural Fire Service, rushed to the scene of two separate crashes near the north-bound... Learn more about the Multi-vehicle crashes block north-bound lanes of M1 Motorway at Mooney Mooney.
A person has died in a fire at Quakers Hill, in Sydney's west. The blaze took hold in a garage attached to a home in Mannix Place just after 6.15pm. Eight fire trucks rushed to the single-storey home where firefighters, wearing breathing... Learn more about the Person dead in garage fire at Quakers Hill.
WALGETT | #FRNSW are responding with @NSWRFS to reports of a grass fire with possible properties under threat burning on the Castlereagh Hwy in the states north. View on X [external link]
WALGETT | #FRNSW are responding with @NSWRFS to reports of a bushfire with possible properties under threat on the Castlereagh Hwy in the states northern region. View on X [external link]
AUBURN | #FRNSW has extinguished a fire in two villas on Gibbons St. FFs prevented the fire from spreading to a third villa. How and where this fire will be investigated by FRNSW and @nswpolice investigators. @NSWAmbulance assessed two people who were evac from the complex. View on X [external link]
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.