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We responded to 125,583 incidents in 2021-22. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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HOMEBUSH WEST | Car crash. #FRNSW FF's are currently on scene providing assistance at a single vehicle car crash. Traffic delays expected. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance View on X [external link]
KANAHOOKA | Wires down. Kanahooka RD. #FRNSW FF's are currently on scene with the assistance of @nswpolice and energy authorities to remove the wires from the roadway. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is urging the public not to take any risks when staying warm during this week's winter cold snap. Snow and black ice have cut off some roads in the Blue Mountains whilst parts of NSW around... Learn more about the Stay safe during winter polar snap - Video at Thredbo.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is urging the public not to take any risks when staying warm during this week's winter cold snap. Snow and black ice have cut off some roads in the Blue Mountains whilst parts of NSW around... Learn more about the Stay safe during winter polar snap - Video at Thredbo.
#FRNSW says be safe in thetonight..keep everything 1 meterfrom the heater, turn off the heater and electric blanket when you go to bed make sure your smoke alarm works and never ever bring outside heaters indoors @NSWRFS @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice @stephcookemp View on X [external link]
GUILDFORD | Two car crash. One person trapped. #FRNSW FF's are on scene and currently working with @NSWAmbulance to free the trapped occupant of the vehicle. @nswpolice View on X [external link]
YERRINBOOL | Update 1 #FRNSW Specialist hazardous materials response firefighters containing and rendering safe spilt fuel from the truck and cars destroyed by fire on the Hume Hwy. FFs also recovering approx 600L of fuel from fuel tanks @WSC_media @NSWRFS @LiveTrafficNSW View on X [external link]
FAIRFIELD | Two car crash. One person trapped. #FRNSW crews are currently on scene using hydraulic rescue tools to free the trapped occupant of the vehicle. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance View on X [external link]
YERRINBOOL | #FRNSW @RFS FFs working to contain a fire in a truck carrying cars on the Hume Highway (South Bound). Both lanes on the highway blocked. Several fire trucks responding @LiveTrafficSyd @WSC_media @nswpolice View on X [external link]
GREYSTANES | #FRNSW FFs have extinguished a fire in the trailer of a truck on the M4 westbound, just before Cumberland Hwy. Westbound traffic is heavy. @LiveTrafficSyd @nswpolice View on X [external link]
Smoke alarms save lives, yet almost half the homes we visit don't have them We're urging you to install smoke alarms now. If you're unable to, #FRNSW crews can visit your home and install them free of charge. For more information visit: View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are at the scene of a complex hazardous materials operation at Glendenning in Sydney's west. Around 9am, a liquid waste container being transported by a prime mover along Owen Street threatened to topple over. FRNSW crews... Learn more about the Hazardous materials operation at Glendenning.
GLENDENNING | #FRNSW FFs have stabilised a trailer that has become detached from the prime mover in Owen St. The trailer is carrying chemicals, an unloading plan is being established to safely remove the hazardous materials from trailer. @nswpolice @LiveTrafficSyd @blacktowncc View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are assisting the state’s most vulnerable residents, replacing smoke alarms at retirement villages in the Central Coast and Hunter regions. FRNSW has responded to more than 760 residential fires so far this winter and 15... Learn more about the Firefighters help seniors during home safety visits - Video at Kincumber.
LETHBRIDGE PARK | #FRNSW Four fire trucks and 14 firefighters working to extinguish a fire in a small single level house in Samoa Place. No injuries reported at this stage. @blacktowncc @nswpolice View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) investigators are trying to determine the cause of a fatal house fire last night at Goonellabah in the state's northern rivers district. Nine fire trucks, from Goonellabah, Lismore, Alstonville and Coraki fire stations arrived at the... Learn more about the Investigators seeking cause of fatal house fire at Goonellabah.
GOONELLABAH | #FRNSW house fully involved in fire on Dudley Drive, seven fire trucks and approx 30 FFs working to stop fire from spreading to adjoining properties. Neighbours have been evacuateded. @LismoreCouncil @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance View on X [external link]
CAMPBELLTOWN | #FRNSW FFs stoped a fire in a factory unit used to store chemicals from spreading to adjoining units early this morning. More than 50 FFs battled the intense blaze. The cause and origin of the fire will be investigated today. @campbelltownnsw View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has been informed of the death of a man from injuries suffered during a house fire earlier this month at Bonnyrigg, in Sydney's south-west. The fire broke out in a bedroom of the two-storey Howitt Place... Learn more about the Man dies of injuries from fire at Bonnyrigg.
HORNSBY | #FRNSW 7 fire trucks and approx 25 FFs working to contain a fire in a two level industrial building at Cecil Street. Large volumes of smoke visible. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance View on X [external link]
NARELLAN | #FRNSW workers have ruptured a small gas pipe in the rear of a child care centre. FFs dispersing gas with water spray. Approx 32 children and 12 staff evacuated as a precaution. No injuries, gas company attending. @CamdenCouncil View on X [external link]
TURRAMARRA | #FRNSW Gas line ruptured and on fire on the Pacific Highway. Two lanes north bound block xs Warragal Rd. FFs using hose lines to prevent fire extension to adjoing property. One worker suffering an injury and transported @NSWAmbulance @krgcouncil View on X [external link]
GUILDFORD | #FRNSW FFs have contained a fire in an unoccupied building. Three fire trucks were in attendance, no injuires reported. Cause of fire being investigated. @CumberlandSyd View on X [external link]
More than 20 Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are battling a large blaze in a scrap metal yard at Hexham in Newcastle. The fire broke out at the Maitland Road property just before 11.30am, issuing a large volume of black,... Learn more about the Firefighters battle large scrap yard blaze at Hexham.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have overseen the evacuation of around 500 people this morning during a fire in a high-rise residential tower in the Sydney Central Business District. The blaze broke out in a unit on the eighth level... Learn more about the Around 500 people evacuated during high-rise fire at Sydney.
ALLAWAH | #FRNSW FFs used equipment carried on their rescue truck to stabilise a cherry picker that tipped over with a person in it. This enable to @NSWAmbulance to stabilise the casualty in a safer enviornment before transfering to the ambulance and onto hosp. @Georges_River View on X [external link]
ASHFIELD | #FRNSW Gas main on fire at Hillcrest Ave near Armstong Street. FFs are preventing the fire from spreading to nearby homes by applying water curtins. Gas co in attendance @IWCouncil @nswpolice @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has deployed a team of 'In-water' rescue technicians at Tumut in the state's Riverina, ready to deal with potential flooding in the region. The Bureau of Meteorology has warned today is shaping as the wettest day... Learn more about the Fire and Rescue NSW 'in-water' Strike Team deployed in case of flooding at Tumut.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has deployed a team of 'In-water' rescue technicians at Tumut in the state's Riverina, ready to deal with potential flooding in the region. The Bureau of Meteorology has warned today is shaping as the wettest day... Learn more about the Fire and Rescue NSW 'in-water' Strike Team deployed in case of flooding at Tumut.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has deployed a team of 'In-water' rescue technicians at Tumut in the state's Riverina, ready to deal with potential flooding in the region. The Bureau of Meteorology has warned today is shaping as the wettest day... Learn more about the Fire and Rescue NSW 'in-water' Strike Team deployed in case of flooding at Tumut.
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.