Fire brigade booster operating pressure

FRNSW requires the fire brigade booster installed on a fire hydrant or fire sprinkler system to have a ‘PN’ rating not less than the fire brigade boost inlet pressure necessary to operate the most hydraulically disadvantaged outlet/s, including when in full-flow bypass mode.

Table 1.1 of AS 2419.3-2012 identifies both ‘allowable operating pressure’ and ‘maximum allowable operating pressure’ for each PN rated fire brigade booster. The fire brigade booster on any given fire hydrant system must have an allowable operating pressure not less than the maximum design fire brigade boost pressure of the hydrant system.

Note: The higher maximum allowable operating pressure allows for intermittent and sporadic pressure surges or spikes (e.g. water hammer).

Reference should also be made to FRNSW position FRNSW pump performance for high rise buildings. The maximum design fire brigade boost pressure should exclude any fire hydrant pumpset input (i.e. the fire brigade booster is operating in full-flow pumpset bypass mode).

Position statement summary

Updated: 5th December 2024