Fire hydrant system signage

FRNSW require any new or upgraded fire hydrant system to be provided with signage that complies with, or is commensurate to, section 11.3 of AS 2419.1:2021.

Additionally, the fire hydrant system should be provided with the following supplementary signage (as required) to facilitate the needs of FRNSW.

Note: All additional signage is required to be permanently affixed, fade and weather resistant, with contrasting uppercase lettering as consistent with AS 2419.1:2021.


Additional internal fire hydrant

Any additional internal fire hydrant installed on a fire hydrant system to provide hydrant coverage must be provided with a location plan as per section 11.6 of AS 2419.1:2021.

The plan is to be oriented in the manner that reflects the aspect as presented to the reader and include a brief description of the hydrant’s relative location, not less than 15 mm high.

Figure 1 Example of additional internal fire location signage

Note: This sign informs firefighters on the location of an additional internal fire hydrant which can be utilised to attack fire not readily covered by the internal fire hydrant at which the sign is located (e.g. this sign is typically located adjacent to the fire hydrant valve).


Attack fire hydrant within 5 m of a fire brigade booster assembly

Any attack fire hydrant located within 5 m of a fire brigade booster assembly, irrespective of whether within a cabinet, enclosure or recess as per section 11.3.2 of AS 2419.1:2021 or not, must have a sign which states ‘ATTACK FIRE HYDRANT’, not less than 25 mm high.

Figure 2 Example of attack fire hydrant within 5 m of booster signage

Note: This sign assists firefighters identify the attack fire hydrant, particularly when located in a cabinet, enclosure or recess with the fire brigade booster assembly.


Dry fire hydrant system fire brigade booster connection

Any fire brigade booster connection installed on a dry fire hydrant system must have a sign which states, ‘DRY FIRE HYDRANT’ and ‘FILL SYSTEM BEFORE BOOSTING TO WORKING PRESSURE SYSTEM BEFORE USING’, not less than 25 mm high.

If the fire brigade booster connection is fed by a street fire hydrant, the sign must also include ‘STREET HYDRANT’ and ‘HP’ or ‘HR’ depending on whether located on the Road or Path, and arrows to each side along with the respective distance to the street fire hydrant in that direction.

Note: A lowercase ‘m’ should be used for the unit of measurement of meters.

Figure 3 Examples of dry fire hydrant booster connection signage

Note: This sign informs firefighters the internal fire hydrant is dry, and the system must be filled before using, as opposed to a wet and fully automatic fire hydrant system. The additional street hydrant information directs firefighters where the required water supply is located as feed fire hydrants are not provided as part of the fire brigade booster assembly.


Dry fire hydrant valve outlet

Any internal fire hydrant valve outlet installed on a dry fire hydrant system must have a sign which states, ‘DRY FIRE HYDRANT’ and ‘BOOST SYSTEM BEFORE USING’, not less than 25 mm high.

Figure 4 Example of dry fire hydrant valve outlet signage

Note: This sign informs firefighters the internal fire hydrant is dry, and the system must be boosted before using, as opposed to being a wet and fully automatic fire hydrant system. FRNSW only requires the lettering height be not less than 25 mm, instead of 50 mm as nominated in the guideline Design, Installation and Maintenance Requirements for Dry Hydrants as published by the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC).


Extended coverage from an external attack fire hydrant

Any external attack fire hydrant that provides extended hydrant coverage must have a sign which states:

(a)           ‘ATTACK FIRE HYDRANT’, not less than 25 mm high, and

(b)           ‘ADDITIONAL HOSE LENGTHS MAY BE REQUIRED’, not less than 15 mm high.

Figure 5 Example of extended coverage from external attack hydrant signage

Note: This sign informs firefighters that the number of hoses required to provide fire hydrant coverage from the external attack fire hydrant exceeds AS 2419.1 requirements.


Extended coverage from an internal fire hydrant

Any internal fire hydrant that provides extended hose coverage must have a sign which states ‘ADDITIONAL HOSE LENGTHS MAY BE REQUIRED’, not less than 15 mm high.

Figure 6 Example of extended coverage from internal fire hydrant signage

Note: This sign informs firefighters that the number of hoses required to provide fire hydrant coverage from the internal fire hydrant exceeds AS 2419.1 requirements.


Extended coverage from an external feed or feed/attack fire hydrant

Any external feed or feed/attack fire hydrant that provides extended hose coverage from the fire brigade pumping appliance on the designated hardstand must have a sign which states:

(a)           ‘FEED FIRE HYDRANT’ or ‘FEED/ATTACK FIRE HYDRANT’, not less than 25 mm high, and

(b)           ‘ADDITIONAL HOSE LENGTHS MAY BE REQUIRED’, not less than 15 mm high.       

Figure 7 Example of extended coverage from external feed or feed/attack hydrant signage

Note: This sign informs firefighters that the number of hoses required to provide fire hydrant coverage from the fire brigade pumping appliance that is connected to the feed or feed/attack hydrant exceeds AS 2419.1 requirements.


Street fire hydrant water supply for new and existing buildings

Any new or existing fire hydrant system that incorporates a street fire hydrant water supply should have a location plan as detailed by section 11.7 of AS 2419.1:2021.

Note: This sign informs firefighters that the fire hydrant system is being supplied by a street fire hydrant instead of feed fire hydrants as part of the fire brigade booster assembly.


Small-bore suction connection outlets

Any small-bore suction connection outlets fitted to a fixed suction connection, whether a ‘tank connection’ or ‘draughting point’, the small-bore outlets should have a sign which states ‘RFS USE ONLY’, not less than 25 mm high.

Figure 8 Example of small-bore suction connections signage

Note: This sign informs firefighters that the small-bore suction outlets, as detailed by section of AS 2419.1:2021, are provided for use by NSW Rural Fire Service fire brigade appliances. Reference should also be made to the FRNSW position Small-bore suction connections.


Miscellaneous signage

Where specific information is required for firefighters to safely and effectively operate the fire hydrant system, or any component of, then concise and unambiguous supplementary signage is to be provided consistent with AS 2419.1:2021 and this position statement. Consultation should be sought from FRNSW on miscellaneous signage that may be required for a non-standard fire hydrant system.

Note: Examples of miscellaneous signage include any specific information relating to a performance solution variation, alternative location, non-standard operating procedure, wet/dry interfacing limitation, supplemental redundancy measure, etc.


Position statement summary

Updated: 5th December 2024