Data Dictionary Project

The Data Dictionary Project is a national project, managed by Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) and funded jointly by the Natural Disaster Mitigation Programme and the NSW Government with 50% contribution from the Commonwealth of Australia and 50% from NSW Government.

The Data Dictionary Project will deliver a nationally consistent system of data collection and reporting for the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities of Australian emergency service organisations, primarily urban and rural fire brigades, and state and territory emergency services.

The Project’s Steering Committee accepted the deliverables for Phase 1 on the 24 September 2010.

The deliverables include the:

The Core Data Model Report presents a single, revised high level model which resolves the differences described in the Summary Report of Phase 1. The Project’s Steering Committee accepted the Core Data Model Report on the 7 April 2011.

Core Data Model (PDF, 3,048KB)

The ESO Initial Classification Model is composed of a hierarchical set of Classification Schemes and their component Classification Values, developed for each of the Core Classes from the ESO Data Model: Activity, Event, Location, Material, Party, Business Driver and for: Relationships between the Classes. The Project’s Steering Committee endorsed the ESO Classification Model Report on the 30 September 2011.

ESO Classification Model (PDF, 4.5MB)

The Data Dictionary document identifies a set of data items necessary for an emergency service organisations to report on its Activities in a manner that is consistent across all jurisdictions. This data dictionary will be available for reference purposes, and, where desired, for adoption in full or in part for use by emergency service organisations. . The Project’s Steering Committee endorsed the Data Dictionary Report on the 4 October 2011.

The Data Dictionary (PDF, 2.1MB)

Further information about the Project can be obtained by emailing Melanie Stutchbury, Project Manager [email protected] or Nick Nicolopoulos, Business Owner [email protected]